AGM Checklist

NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) – Local & Regional AECG Annual General Meeting Checklist

  1. Notification for Annual General Meeting must be send out 21 days prior – by the Secretary of the Local or Regional AECG.

    NB: Local AECG AGMs must be held before the end of October and Regional AECG AGMs must be held before the end of November. (Unless otherwise advised due to Covid-19).

  2. The Returning Officer must be appointed 1 month prior to the Annual General Meeting. A 2nd Returning officer can be appointed as a back-up.

    NB: The Returning Officer CANNOT be a full financial member of the Local/Regional AECG whose AGM it is. (if needed the Staff at the Secretariat may assist here).

  3. The Local AECG AGM Agenda should have the following information only:

    – Previous AGM Minutes & Actions arising;
    – President’s Report;
    – Financial Report;
    – Election of Officer Bearers;
    – Nominations to represent the Local at the Regional AECG.
    – Nomination for Regional Office Bearer Positions (if any)

    The extra items can be:
    – Life Membership Nominations;
    – Nomination for NSW AECG Inc Association Management Committee; and
    – Special Resolutions.

  4. Paperwork that goes to the Secretariat

    – Signed Returning Officer Paperwork
    – Minutes from the AGM
    – Membership Register
     – just the Office Bearers – the rest of the 2022 members can be sent in the New Year after the first meeting for 2022.

    NB: this is the Membership Register ONLY. Please do not send in Membership Application forms – they are to be kept by the Local Secretary. This can be emailed to: or via post to either PO Box 375 Enmore NSW 2042 or 37 Cavendish St Stanmore NSW 2048.

  5. Paperwork that goes to the Secretary of the NSW AECG Association Management Committee (AMC)

    – Minutes
    – Nominations to NSW AECG Inc AMC
    – Life Membership Nominations (both Associate and Full)
    – Special Resolutions.

These get sent in via post to either PO Box 375 Enmore NSW 2042 or 37 Cavendish St Stanmore NSW 2048.

Marked Attention: Secretary AMC NSW AECG Inc.