Eary Years Support

Our Vision

ECCEO Vision

The ECCEO will uphold the NSW AECG’s commitment to supporting Abooriginal children and families in early childhood services through their first year of school, ensuring they are engaged, culturally nourished, and empowered to thrive.

While the ECCEO primarily works within NSW Public Preschools, its support extends to services with high populations of Aboriginal children, including ACCOs and other early childhood providers. By championing collaboration with key stakeholders in the early childhood sector, the ECCEO aims to strengthen school transitions, engagement, and outcomes for young learners.


“The smiles on their faces and the parents' feedback that I've been given is really positive. Like "thank you so much". It's been good.”

Our Program

Our Children

Transition to School:
Delivering out AECG transition-to-school to support services, children and families in the journey to big school.

Additional Supports:
Helping to build pathways for Family Support and Early Intervention engagement.

Ensuring the voices of our Aboriginal Children, Families, and the wider community are heard and supported within our EC services.

Our Culture

Cultural Capacity:
Supporting early education services, including private, community, department, and playgroups, to promote and supportcultural capacity, knowledge, and inclusion within programs, environments, RAPs and more!

Our Community

Building connections between local community knowledge holders, land councils, Aboriginal organisations and EC services. The ECCEOs build upon a Local Community Directory for all EC professionals to tap into.

Local AECG:
Supporting families and EC professionals in joining and engaging with their local AECG to enhance community relationships, consultation, and access to local Professional programs such as Connecting to Country.


“We can go in and support and see what else they need, and also have that yarn and say, ‘Hey, how’s that family going’ or ‘How are you going with this now? Is there any help that we can give?’”

Who we support

Our Early Years support is delivered state-wide for:

  • Children

  • Families

  • Community

  • Early Childhood Professionals

  • Early Childhood Providers


Cardiff - Hunter, Central Coast & Manning

Dubbo - Western 1 & 2

Statewide Support

Early Years Manager

What are our locations?

We have Early Childhood Community Engagement Officers (ECCEO) based throughout New South Wales, so please get in touch with us to be connected to someone closest to you.