Healthy Culture Healthy Country

The Healthy Culture Healthy Country programme advances the importance of maintaining local Aboriginal languages and cultures through education.

Our programme emphasises the synthesis between the health of culture, the health of Country, and the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal Australians.

Workshop details

Workshop 1 – Designing Local Aboriginal Cultural Curricula

Before a local Aboriginal cultural education programme can be successfully implemented a localised Aboriginal cultural curriculum has to be developed. Through this workshop you will have an opportunity to learn how to develop a localised Aboriginal cultural curriculum that harmonises with the scope, content and philosophies of local Aboriginal systems of knowledge.

Workshop 2 – Exploring Aboriginal Teaching Methods

Establishing a localised cultural curriculum is the first step in implementing a local Aboriginal cultural education programme. The second step is to align the cultural curriculum with teaching methods that positively reinforce cultural learning. Through this workshop you will have an opportunity to explore Aboriginal methods for teaching culture and discover how you can integrate these methods into your own teaching practice.

Workshop 3 – Culturally Apposite Assessment

Setting, conducting and grading assessments is often a challenging task, it is especially so for local Aboriginal cultural education programmes because of the non-competitive nature of Aboriginal pedagogy. Through this workshop you will have an opportunity to explore the use and application of culturally apposite methods of assessment that reflect Aboriginal ways of measuring cultural development.

Listen to some comments about the programme