AECG Regions

Select a region from the list or on the map.


Please note: October and November is when Local/Regional AECG AGMs occur. The new Local/Regional AECG details for 2024 will be uploaded once we have received membership details.

Regional Committee

President Scott Luschwitz

Secretary Kahlia Saunders

Regional Rep Ken Weatherall

Vice President Paul Myers

Treasurer Lanai Elbourne

Local Committees


President Dan Collins

Secretary Sarah Garnsey

Vice President Karen Rubie

Treasurer Emmalee Charles

Cessnock - Korreil Wonnai

President Sonia Sharpe

Secretary Stephanie Earle

Vice President Chris Crump

Treasurer Corrin Shoesmith


President Steven Adams

Secretary Selena Archibald

Vice President Cecilia Enoch

Treasurer Eiley McRea


President Anita Lardner

Secretary Kahlia Saunders

Vice President Ken Weatherall

Treasurer Isabelle Boulton

Kunarr Ngarrama (Singleton)

President Renee MacDonald

Secretary Cheyanne Enright

Vice President Kasey Hoare

Treasurer Jo Vinson


President Kelli Klaassen

Secretary Monique Crick

Vice President Karen Chapman

Treasurer Nicole White


President Sue Stewart

Secretary Nicole Harrison

Vice President Jamie Hobby

Treasurer Melissa Parish


President Linai Elbourne

Secretary Nicholas Shorten

Vice President Jackie Millington-Bright

Treasurer Amy Lalic

Upper Hunter

President Lee Ellis

Secretary Katie Wood-Pahuru

Vice President Hollie Davison

Treasurer Jeanine Pascoe


President Annissa Harwood

Secretary Tabytha Luschwitz

Vice President Rhonda Finlay

Treasurer Rob Longbottom